Mother of the bride handkerchief sayings

1. "To my daughter on her wedding day, may your love be as endless as the threads of this handkerchief."

2. "For happy tears and joyful moments, this handkerchief is for you, my dear daughter."

3. "As you start this new chapter, may this handkerchief be a reminder of my love and support always."

4. "To wipe away tears of joy and laughter, this handkerchief is a token of my love for you."

5. "On this special day, may this handkerchief bring you comfort and love, just like my arms always will."

6. "For the tears of happiness and the memories we'll share, this handkerchief is a symbol of my love and pride."

7. "To my daughter, my joy, my love - may this handkerchief be a reminder of the bond we share on this special day."

8. "As you walk down the aisle, may this handkerchief be a reminder of the love and support that surrounds you."

9. "For tears of joy and moments of love, this handkerchief is a token of my endless love for you, my daughter."

10. "To my beautiful daughter on her wedding day, may this handkerchief bring you comfort and love, just like my heart always will."

Above is Mother of the bride handkerchief sayings.

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