Motherless mum sayings

1. "You may not have given birth to me, but you've always been my mother in every way that matters."

2. "Blood doesn't make a family, love does, and you've shown me more love than I could ever ask for."

3. "You may not be my biological mother, but you've always been there for me, guiding me and supporting me."

4. "You may not have carried me in your womb, but you've carried me in your heart every day."

5. "Being a mother is not just about biology, it's about love, care, and sacrifice, and you've shown me all of that and more."

6. "You may not have given birth to me, but you've given me the gift of your love and that's all I need."

7. "You may not be my birth mother, but you are my true mother in every sense of the word."

8. "Family is not defined by genetics, but by the love and support we give each other, and you've given me more than I could ever ask for."

9. "You may not have brought me into this world, but you've made my world a better place with your presence and love."

10. "I may not have been born from your womb, but I was definitely born in your heart, and that's all that matters."

Above is Motherless mum sayings.

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