Mothers day flower sayings

1. "A mother is like a flower, each one beautiful and unique in their own way."

2. "To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world. Happy Mother's Day."

3. "Like a flower, a mother's love blooms and brightens our lives."

4. "Mom, you are the bloom in the garden of our family. Happy Mother's Day."

5. "A mother's love is like a flower, it knows no bounds and continues to grow."

6. "Mom, you are the sunshine that helps me grow, just like a flower in the spring."

7. "Thank you for being the beautiful flower in the garden of my life, Mom."

8. "A mother's love is the fragrance that fills our lives with joy and warmth."

9. "Mom, your love is like a flower, always blooming and bringing beauty to our lives."

10. "Happy Mother's Day to the woman who is as strong and resilient as a flower in bloom."

Above is Mothers day flower sayings.

Old punjabi sayings

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