Moustache sayings funny

1. "I moustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later."

2. "I moustache you to be my friend, but I won't force you to."

3. "I moustache you to stop and admire my facial hair."

4. "I moustache you to appreciate the art of grooming."

5. "I moustache you to take me seriously, but not my facial hair."

6. "I moustache you to laugh at my jokes, not my moustache."

7. "I moustache you to join the moustache club, but it's not mandatory."

8. "I moustache you to be patient while I grow my moustache to perfection."

9. "I moustache you to admire my moustache from a safe distance."

10. "I moustache you to never underestimate the power of a well-groomed moustache."

Above is Moustache sayings funny.

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