Moving away greeting card sayings

1. "Wishing you all the best on your new adventure! You will be missed."

2. "As you embark on this new chapter, know that you will always have a special place in our hearts."

3. "Goodbyes are not forever, they are just until we meet again. Best of luck in your new home."

4. "Leaving is never easy, but know that you are loved and cherished wherever you go."

5. "May your new journey be filled with joy, success, and endless opportunities. Farewell!"

6. "Though miles may separate us, our friendship will always remain strong. Take care and stay in touch."

7. "Saying goodbye is hard, but the memories we shared will always keep us connected. Best wishes on your new beginning."

8. "You have touched our lives in so many ways. Wishing you happiness and success in your new chapter."

9. "Even though you're moving away, our friendship will always stay close at heart. Take care and stay safe."

10. "As you start this new chapter, remember that you are capable of achieving great things. Good luck and farewell!"

Above is Moving away greeting card sayings.

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