Mud sayings

1. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."

2. "Stuck in the mud."

3. "Mud in your eye."

4. "Mud-slinging."

5. "Muddy the waters."

6. "Mud on your face."

7. "Mud in the water, fish won't bite."

8. "Mud sticks."

9. "Mud on the tires."

10. "Mud in the eye of the beholder."

Above is Mud sayings.

Sayings as though a switch had been flicked

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1. On your birthday, I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life.2. Happy birthday to the man who holds my heart. You are my rock, my love, and my everything.3. Every day with you feels like a celebration, but today is extra special be

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Emoji quiz famous sayings

Sure, I can provide you with some famous sayings in the form of emojis. Here are a few for you to guess:1. 🐦👋🏼2. 🍎👩🏻‍🦰3. 🚫👞4. 🌞🔚5. 🐝👑Can you guess which famous sayings these emojis represent?

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Sayings about school days

1. School days are the best days of our lives.2. In school, you learn the lessons that last a lifetime.3. School days are the foundation of our future.4. The memories of school days stay with us forever.5. School days are a time of growth, learning, and discovery.6. School days are where