Multiply like rabbits sayings

1. "Multiply like rabbits and watch your success grow exponentially."

2. "Let's multiply like rabbits and create abundance in our lives."

3. "When it comes to achieving our goals, let's multiply like rabbits and see how quickly we can reach them."

4. "Just like rabbits multiply quickly, let's work together to achieve rapid growth and success."

5. "In order to achieve our dreams, we need to multiply our efforts like rabbits do."

6. "Let's multiply our efforts like rabbits do, and watch our progress multiply as well."

7. "Like rabbits multiplying in the wild, let's expand and grow our opportunities."

8. "Rapid growth is possible when we multiply our efforts like rabbits do."

9. "Let's multiply like rabbits and see how quickly we can achieve our goals."

10. "Just like rabbits multiply in numbers, let's multiply our efforts and see the results multiply too."

Above is Multiply like rabbits sayings.

Marriage comedy malayal sayings

1. വിവാഹം എന്നാല്‍ ഒരു കള്ളം ആണ്, അതുകൊണ്ട് അത് നിറഞ്ഞു പറയാം! (Marriage is like a lie, so it's best to just go along with it!)2. വിവാഹം എന്നാല്‍ ഒരു പ്രശ്നം ആണ്, പക്ഷേ അത് പരിഹാസമായി തന്നെ പരിഹാസമായി നിറഞ്ഞു പറയാം! (Marriage is a problem, but it's best to laugh about it and make it a joke!)3.

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