My own life quotes and sayings

1. "Life is a journey, not a destination."

2. "The only way to predict the future is to create it."

3. "Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life."

4. "Success is not measured by how high you climb, but by how many people you bring with you."

5. "The only limits in life are the ones you set for yourself."

6. "Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again."

7. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

8. "Life is too short to dwell on the past, focus on the present and create your future."

9. "Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

10. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."

Above is My own life quotes and sayings.

Peter pan movie sayings

Here are some famous quotes from the movie Peter Pan:1. All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust.2. To live will be an awfully big adventure.3. Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.4. Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going

A woman's love for her husband and kids sayings

1. A mother's love for her children is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. - Agatha Christie2. A wife's love for her husband is a bond that cannot be broken, a love that withstands all trials and

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1. Love is like a hound dog, it'll track you down no matter where you go.2. A heart in love is like a wild river, flowing freely and uncontainable.3. Love is like a patchwork quilt, made up of different pieces that come together to create something beautiful.4. In the hills of Ozark, love is

Al pacino sayings

1. I'm an actor, not a star. Stars are people who live in Hollywood and have heart-shaped swimming pools. 2. The problem with me is, I guess, the way I express myself, you have to be with me 50 years before you can get a sense of what I'm talking about. 3. I don't need bodyguards. I'm from the

Famous army ranger sayings

1. Rangers lead the way.2. Sua Sponte (Latin for Of their own accord)3. Rangers never quit.4. Rangers lead the way, all the way!5. Rangers lead the way, Rangers lead the way!6. Rangers lead the way, Rangers lead the way, all the way!7. Rangers lead the way, Rangers lead the way, all t

Golf sayings for good luck

1. May your drives be long and straight.2. Hit 'em straight and sink 'em true.3. May your putts be true and your drives be pure.4. Swing easy, hit hard.5. May the course be in your favor.6. Drive for show, putt for dough.7. Keep calm and tee off.8. May your birdies outnumber your boge

Sayings about annoying selfies

1. A selfie a day keeps the annoyance at bay.2. Selfies: the art of capturing your own annoyance.3. Annoying selfies: when self-absorption meets overexposure.4. Selfies: the modern-day annoyance in a picture.5. The only thing more annoying than a selfie is a series of selfies.6. In a worl

No one who has fought in a war sayings

War is not glorious, it is a tragedy that should be avoided at all costs.

Grandmother to granddaughter sayings

1. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.2. Life is a journey, my dear. Enjoy the ride and never lose sight of who you are.3. You are a shining star in this world, my dear. Let your light shine bright for all to see.4. Never f

Cute birthday card sayings for girlfriends

1. Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend! You make every day brighter with your smile.2. To the girl who stole my heart, happy birthday! I love you more than words can express.3. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy birthday, my love!4. On your special day, I just want t