Myth quotes sayings
1. "Myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human cultural manifestation." - Joseph Campbell
2. "Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths." - Joseph Campbell
3. "Mythology is not a lie, mythology is poetry, it is metaphorical. It has been well said that mythology is the penultimate truth--penultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words. It is beyond words. Beyond images, beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. Mythology pitches the mind beyond that rim, to what can be known but not told." - Joseph Campbell
4. "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - H.P. Lovecraft
5. "Myth is much more important and true than history. History is just journalism and you know how reliable that is." - Joseph Campbell
6. "Mythology is the womb of mankind's initiation." - Joseph Campbell
7. "Myth is the foundation of life; it is the timeless pattern, the religious formula to which life shapes itself... It is the human wish to triumph over the forces of nature, to triumph over age, to triumph over death." - Joseph Campbell
8. "Mythology is not a lie, for the story of a battle between a dragon and a hero is a metaphor for the battle between good and evil in our own hearts." - R.C. Sproul
9. "Mythology is the study of whatever religious or heroic legends are so foreign to a student's experience that he cannot believe them to be true." - Jane Harrison
10. "Myth is the revelation of a divine life in man." - Joseph Campbell
Above is Myth quotes sayings.
1. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.2. Mess with me and you'll find out who you're dealing with.3. I didn't come this far to only come this far. Don't mess with me.4. I'm not a fighter, but I will fight for what I love. Don't mess with me.5. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself. Don'
1. Rise and shine, my friend! Today is a brand new day full of possibilities.2. Good morning! Wishing you a day as bright and beautiful as your smile.3. Hello, sunshine! May your day be filled with joy and laughter.4. Sending you a virtual hug and a big dose of positivity to start your day.5
1. Security is not a product, but a process. - Bruce Schneier2. The best security is invisible. - Bruce Schneier3. Security is always excessive until it's not enough. - Robbie Sinclair4. Security is like oxygen. You never notice it until it's missing. - Pravinee Hurbungs5. Security is not a
1. In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity. - Albert Einstein2. Tough times never last, but tough people do. - Robert H. Schuller3. This too shall pass. - Persian proverb4. Adversity introduces a man to himself. - Albert Einstein5. When everything seems to be going against you,
1. Nerf this!2. I play to win!3. Is this easy mode?4. Time to raise my APM!5. Bang! Bang! Bang!6. Winky face!7. I'm number one!8. Game on!9. I'm on fire!10. LOL, GG!
1. Daddy's Little Princess2. Mommy's Mini Me3. Little Miss Sunshine4. Sweet as Sugar5. Daddy's Girl, Mommy's World6. Tiny but Mighty7. I'm the Boss Baby8. Love Bug9. Little Diva in Training10. Daddy's Little Peanut
1. We live by the code of silence, loyalty, and respect.2. Unity is our strength, division is our weakness.3. In the face of adversity, we stand tall and united.4. We don't follow the crowd, we lead the pack.5. Our loyalty is unwavering, our bond unbreakable.6. Through struggle and strife
1. ASAP - As Soon As Possible2. FYI - For Your Information3. TGIF - Thank God It's Friday4. LOL - Laugh Out Loud5. BTW - By The Way6. TMI - Too Much Information7. DIY - Do It Yourself8. ASAP - Always Say A Prayer9. TGIF - The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side10. LOL - Lots Of Love
1. Give 'em the boot!2. Boots on the ground.3. Kick up your boots and relax.4. These boots are made for shuffling.5. Boot up and deal.6. Boots to the table, cards in hand.7. In these boots, I trust.8. Boots on the river, luck in the cards.9. Step into the game with your best boot fo
1. ¡Hasta luego, cocodrilo!2. ¡Adiós, nos vemos en el camino!3. ¡Que te vaya bien, hasta la próxima!4. ¡Nos vemos pronto, cuídate mucho!5. ¡Hasta la vista, baby!6. ¡Que tengas un buen viaje, hasta la próxima!7. ¡Adiós, que la fuerza te acompañe!8. ¡Hasta pronto, que todo te vaya bien!9. ¡Nos vemos e