Naruto sayings tumblr

Here are some popular Naruto quotes and sayings from Tumblr:

1. "I'm not gonna run away, I never go back on my word! That's my nindo: my ninja way!" - Naruto Uzumaki

2. "When people are protecting something truly special to them, they truly can become as strong as they can be." - Haku

3. "It's not the face that makes someone a monster, it's the choices they make with their lives." - Naruto Uzumaki

4. "A smile is the best way to get away with trouble even if it’s a fake one." - Sasuke Uchiha

5. "The pain of being alone is completely out of this world, isn't it? I don't know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts." - Naruto Uzumaki

6. "Hard work is worthless for those that don't believe in themselves." - Naruto Uzumaki

7. "It's foolish to fear what we've yet to see and know." - Kakashi Hatake

8. "I'm not gonna give up, I'm gonna work hard and I'm gonna make it." - Naruto Uzumaki

9. "I care more about others than I do myself, and I won't let anyone hurt them." - Naruto Uzumaki

10. "I'm not gonna run away, I never go back on my word! That's my nindo: my ninja way!" - Naruto Uzumaki

These quotes capture the essence of the characters and the themes of perseverance, friendship, and determination that are prevalent throughout the Naruto series.

Above is Naruto sayings tumblr.

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