Nat turner quotes and sayings

1. "I am not a man, I am a slave." - Nat Turner

2. "I was set apart from others, from my very birth." - Nat Turner

3. "I am not a man to be trampled on." - Nat Turner

4. "I am a man of God, and I will do His bidding." - Nat Turner

5. "I have no fear of death, for I know that my cause is just." - Nat Turner

6. "I will fight for my freedom, even if it means my own death." - Nat Turner

7. "I will not rest until every slave is free." - Nat Turner

8. "I will not be silenced, I will not be stopped." - Nat Turner

9. "I am a man of action, not words." - Nat Turner

10. "I will not bow down to any man, for I am a man of God." - Nat Turner

Above is Nat turner quotes and sayings.

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