Navy sayings funny games

Sure, here are some funny navy sayings related to games:

1. "I don't always play games, but when I do, I prefer Battleship."

2. "Sailors don't cry over spilled dice."

3. "Life is like a game of chess, except in the Navy, the pawns get to drive the ships."

4. "I'm not addicted to gaming, I'm just committed to winning at Navy SEALs."

5. "In the Navy, we don't play hide and seek, we play hide and seek and destroy."

6. "I may be a sailor, but I still can't navigate my way out of a game of Monopoly."

7. "The only game I play better than poker is 'Who can tie a knot the fastest'."

Above is Navy sayings funny games.

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Sayings baba fareed ganj e shakr

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