Necco candy hearts sayings

Here are some classic Necco candy hearts sayings:

1. Be Mine

2. Kiss Me

3. Love You

4. Hug Me

5. Sweet Talk

6. True Love


8. Cutie Pie

9. My Love

10. Miss You

These are just a few examples of the sweet and romantic messages that can be found on Necco candy hearts.

Above is Necco candy hearts sayings.

7 months sayings

1. In seven months, you can create a whole new life for yourself.2. Seven months can be the perfect amount of time to achieve your goals.3. Time flies when you're making progress, so make the most of these seven months.4. Seven months from now, you'll be thankful for the decisions you make to

Funny shadow sayings

1. A shadow is a constant reminder that even on your brightest days, there's always something lurking behind you.2. Don't be afraid of your shadow, it's just a reflection of your fabulous self.3. A shadow is like a loyal friend, always following you around and never leaving your side.4. Even

Funny mother birthday sayings

1. Mom, you're not getting older, you're just increasing in value like a fine wine!2. Happy birthday to the woman who gave me life and a lifetime supply of embarrassing stories to tell.3. Mom, you're the real MVP for putting up with me all these years. Happy birthday!4. They say age is just a

Hotter than the devil sayings

1. Hotter than hell2. Hotter than a two-dollar pistol3. Hotter than a jalapeño pepper4. Hotter than a firecracker5. Hotter than a stolen tamale6. Hotter than a summer day in the desert7. Hotter than a pot of boiling oil8. Hotter than a sauna9. Hotter than a volcano10. Hotter than the flames of Hades

Hershey kiss sayings

Here are some popular Hershey Kiss sayings:1. A kiss for you.2. You're sweet.3. Kiss me.4. Hugs and kisses.5. You're the sweetest.6. Sending you love.7. Kisses from me to you.8. Sweet dreams.9. XOXO.10. You're my favorite.

Funny sayings people used to say in tthe 1930s-50s

Here are some funny sayings from the 1930s and 1950s:1. Don't take any wooden nickels.2. He's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.3. Well, butter my biscuit!4. She's the bee's knees.5. You're barking up the wrong tree.6. He's as sharp as a bowling ball.7. I'm so hungry I cou

Cover your stump before you hump sayings

Protect your wood before you go for the goods.

Thanksgiving sayings in spanish

1. Doy gracias por todas las bendiciones en mi vida. (I give thanks for all the blessings in my life.)2. En esta época de agradecimiento, recordemos las cosas buenas que tenemos. (In this season of gratitude, let's remember the good things we have.)3. Que en este día de acción de gracias, la al

Cute short southern chritstian sayings

1. Bless your heart!2. God is good, all the time.3. Let go and let God.4. Jesus loves you, and so do I.5. Faith can move mountains.6. God's got this.7. Pray without ceasing.8. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.9. God's timing is perfect.10. Count your blessings, not your troub

Cheap necklaces with sayings

You can find cheap necklaces with sayings at various online retailers such as Amazon, Etsy, and AliExpress. Here are a few options to consider:1. Love Yourself Necklace2. Stay Positive Necklace3. Dream Big Necklace4. Be Kind Necklace5. You Are Enough NecklaceThese necklaces are typically m