Negligence sayings

1. "Negligence is the rust of the soul, that corrodes through all her best resolves." - Owen Feltham

2. "Negligence is the enemy of greatness." - Unknown

3. "Negligence is the silent killer of opportunity." - Unknown

4. "Negligence is the seed of disaster." - Unknown

5. "Negligence is the mother of misfortune." - Benjamin Franklin

6. "Negligence is the neglect of the possible for the urgent." - Unknown

7. "Negligence is the art of failing to notice what should be noticed." - Unknown

8. "Negligence is the arrogance of the careless." - Unknown

9. "Negligence is the slow poison that destroys success." - Unknown

10. "Negligence is the thief of time and opportunity." - Unknown

Above is Negligence sayings.

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