New grandson sayings

1. "Grandsons are the perfect blend of mischief and love."

2. "A grandson is a little boy who grows up to be your best friend."

3. "Grandsons make the world a little brighter and a lot more fun."

4. "Having a grandson is like having a piece of your heart walking around outside your body."

5. "Grandsons are a gift from above, filling our lives with joy and laughter."

6. "A grandson is a treasure that brings endless smiles and happiness."

7. "Grandsons have a way of stealing your heart and never giving it back."

8. "Watching my grandson grow is the greatest joy of my life."

9. "Grandsons are like sunshine on a rainy day, bringing warmth and light to our lives."

10. "Being a grandmother to a grandson is a love that knows no bounds."

Above is New grandson sayings.

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Derp birthday sayings

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