Newcastle accent sayings

1. "Howay man, stop worrin' and just crack on!"

2. "Divvent be daft, pet."

3. "Aye, gan canny like."

4. "Hinny, divvent get yersel' in a tizzy."

5. "Gan radgie, like a bull in a china shop."

6. "Whey aye, man! That's reet champion!"

7. "Haddaway and shite, man."

8. "Gan doon the toon for a few bevvies."

9. "Wey aye, man, wor kid!"

10. "Gan alang the Tyne for a braw walk."

Above is Newcastle accent sayings.

Sayings with mack in them

1. Mack attack2. Mack daddy3. Mack is back4. Mack and cheese5. Mack on track6. Mack the knife7. Mack in action8. Mack and stack9. Mack and forth10. Mack it up

Navy sayings hooah wi

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Navy girlfriend quotes sayings

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John henry newman sayings

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Interesting sayings and their meanings

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Chinese wise man sayings

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2 year old birthday party sayings

1. Two-tti Fruity, Let's Party!2. Two Sweet Years, Let's Celebrate!3. Double the Fun, Double the Joy, Happy 2nd Birthday!4. Two Wild Years, Let's Roar and Explore!5. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Look Who's Turning Two!6. Two Years of Love and Laughter, Let's Celebrate Together!7. Two Co

Birthday sayings to mom

1. Mom, your love and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today. Happy birthday!2. To the most amazing mom in the world, happy birthday! Your strength and wisdom inspire me every day.3. On your special day, I want to thank you for all the sacrifices you've made for our family. Happy bi