Newfie christmas sayings

1. "Christmas is like a good boil-up - full of warmth and cheer!"

2. "May your Christmas be as jolly as a Newfie at a kitchen party!"

3. "Wishing you a Christmas as bright as the Cape Spear lighthouse!"

4. "Hope your Christmas is as sweet as a figgy duff pudding!"

5. "May your holidays be filled with as much joy as a mummer dancing in the streets!"

6. "Sending you Christmas wishes as warm as a Newfoundland kitchen stove!"

7. "May your Christmas be as cozy as a cabin in the woods on a snowy night!"

8. "Wishing you a Christmas as merry as a Newfie singing sea shanties!"

9. "Hope your holidays are as peaceful as a quiet fishing village on a winter's day!"

10. "May your Christmas be as joyful as a group of friends gathered around a screech-in ceremony!"

Above is Newfie christmas sayings.

Charlie and the chocolate factory sayings

1. A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. - Willy Wonka2. So shines a good deed in a weary world. - Willy Wonka3. We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. - Willy Wonka4. There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. - Willy Wonka5. We a

Finnish sayings about death

1. Kuolema korjaa kaikki - Death takes everything.2. Kuolema on kuin varas yöllä - Death is like a thief in the night.3. Kuolema on elämän varjo - Death is the shadow of life.4. Kuolema tulee kaikille - Death comes to everyone.5. Kuolema on portti uuteen elämään - Death is the gateway to a

All aboard train sayings

1. All aboard!2. Mind the gap!3. Next stop, adventure!4. Tickets, please!5. Choo choo!6. All aboard the express train to fun!7. Off we go!8. All passengers, please prepare for departure!9. All aboard the journey of a lifetime!10. Next stop, excitement!

Sayings about labor day

1. Labor Day is a tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. - Unknown2. Hard work doesn't guarantee success, but it improves its chances. - Unknown3. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. - Vidal Sa

Cop sayings and quotes

1. To protect and to serve.2. Every contact leaves a trace.3. In valor there is hope.4. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.5. Justice is the constant and perpetual will to render to every man his due.6. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good

Cute sayings with drawings

Love is the key to happiness with a heart drawingFollow your dreams with a shooting star drawingYou are my sunshine with a sun drawingBe kind, always with a smiley face drawingStay wild and free with a bird flying drawingAdventure awaits with a mountain drawingBelieve in magic with a u

V day cards sayings images

Here are some Valentine's Day card sayings along with images that you can use for inspiration:1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day. [Image of a sun shining through clouds]2. I love you more than words can express. [Image of a heart with the words I love you written inside]3. You make my hea

And just like that sayings

Out of the blueLike a bolt from the blueIn the blink of an eyeIn the heat of the momentIn the nick of timeLike a shot in the darkLike a breath of fresh airLike a fish out of waterLike a needle in a haystackLike a moth to a flame

Petriotic australia day sayings

1. True blue, Aussie through and through!2. G'day mate, happy Australia Day!3. Aussie pride runs deep on Australia Day.4. Celebrate the land down under this Australia Day.5. From the Outback to the coast, Australia Day is the most!6. Cheers to the Southern Cross on Australia Day.7. In t

Surreal sayings

1. The moon whispered secrets to the stars, but they were too shy to listen.2. The trees danced in silence, their leaves rustling a symphony of dreams.3. Time was a painter, splashing colors across the canvas of reality.4. The sun kissed the horizon goodnight, leaving behind a trail of golden