Newfie sayings and translations

1. Saying: "Stay where you're to till I comes where you're at."

Translation: "Stay where you are until I come to where you are."

2. Saying: "What's on the go, me ol' cock?"

Translation: "What's happening, my old friend?"

3. Saying: "You're some crooked, me son."

Translation: "You're quite mischievous, my son."

4. Saying: "I'm just after comin' from gettin' me screech on."

Translation: "I have just come from having a drink of Screech (Newfoundland rum)."

5. Saying: "She's some windy out, b'y."

Translation: "It's very windy out, buddy."

6. Saying: "I'm off to the big land for a spell."

Translation: "I'm going to the mainland for a while."

7. Saying: "Don't be gettin' up to any foolishness now."

Translation: "Don't do anything foolish."

8. Saying: "She's a dandy little scuff."

Translation: "She's a great dancer."

9. Saying: "I'm just gonna have a scoff of scoff."

Translation: "I'm just going to have a bite to eat."

10. Saying: "You're as welcome as the flowers in May."

Translation: "You are very welcome."

Above is Newfie sayings and translations.

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