Newfoundland care package nl sayings

Sending a care package with Newfoundland sayings is a great idea! Here are some popular Newfoundland sayings that you can include in the care package:

1. "Stay where you're to 'til I comes where you're at." (Wait for me)

2. "Long may your big jib draw." (Good luck)

3. "What's on the go, me ol' cock?" (What's happening?)

4. "I'm just after comin' from there now." (I was just there)

5. "I'm fair sconed." (I'm very tired)

6. "Don't be a daft arse." (Don't be foolish)

7. "The wind's fair snortin'." (It's very windy)

8. "I'm just havin' a scoff." (I'm having a snack)

9. "You're some good at the gab." (You're a good talker)

10. "I'm off to the scuff." (I'm going to the store)

Including these sayings in the care package will surely bring a smile to the recipient's face and remind them of the unique culture and language of Newfoundland!

Above is Newfoundland care package nl sayings.

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New year greeting card sayings

1. Wishing you a year filled with joy, love, and prosperity. Happy New Year!2. May the new year bring you success, happiness, and endless opportunities. Cheers to a fresh start!3. As we welcome the new year, may it be filled with new beginnings, new adventures, and new memories. Happy New Year!

Popular sayings tshirt

1. Keep calm and carry on.2. Live, laugh, love.3. Hakuna Matata - it means no worries.4. Just do it.5. Stay wild, moon child.6. Good vibes only.7. Be the change you wish to see in the world.8. Not all who wander are lost.9. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.10. Life is sho

Caring person sayings

1. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. - Mahatma Gandhi2. Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. - Mark Twain3. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop4. The simple act of caring is heroic. - Edwa

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1. New year, new beginnings, new opportunities.2. Cheers to a year filled with joy, laughter, and success.3. May this year be the best one yet, filled with love and happiness.4. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and make memories to last a lifetime.5. Wishing you a year of gr

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1. The speed of the boss is the speed of the team. - Lee Iacocca2. A good boss makes his men realize they have more ability than they think they have so that they consistently do better work than they thought they could. - Charles Erwin Wilson3. The best leader is the one who has sense enough t

Real life sayings abouf dass

1. Every dog has its day.2. Let sleeping dogs lie.3. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.4. Barking dogs seldom bite.5. A dog is a man's best friend.6. In the doghouse.7. Dog eat dog world.8. Let the dogs out.9. Work like a dog.10. Dog tired.

Sayings like if life gives you lemons make lemonade

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