Nfld sayings at the cabin

1. "A storm is brewing, time to batten down the hatches."

2. "The fish are biting, must be a good day for a boil-up."

3. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, especially when it comes to the weather."

4. "The wood stove is roaring, time to get cozy and tell some yarns."

5. "The fog is rolling in, better keep an eye out for the mummers."

6. "A day in the woods is worth a month in town."

7. "If the ice is cracking, best stay off the pond."

8. "When the wind howls, the spirits of the old ones are near."

9. "A cup of tea fixes everything, especially after a cold dip in the pond."

10. "The stars are shining bright, time to sit back and listen to the loons."

Above is Nfld sayings at the cabin.

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