Nice bdsm sayings

1. "Give me control or I'll take it."

2. "Pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin."

3. "Submit to me and I will set you free."

4. "Trust me to push your limits and I will trust you to surrender."

5. "In the darkness, I will be your light."

6. "Your body is my canvas, your pleasure is my masterpiece."

7. "Let me show you the beauty of surrender."

8. "I will take you to the edge and bring you back, every time."

9. "Embrace the power dynamics and find liberation in submission."

10. "In the realm of BDSM, we create our own rules and find freedom in them."

Above is Nice bdsm sayings.

Baci sayings

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As loose as a sayings

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Irish sayings about death and love

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