Nice bengali sayings

1. "যারা বুঝে নিয়ে কাজ করে, তারা জীবনে সফল হয়।" (Those who work with understanding, succeed in life.)

2. "কাজের মানুষের মুখে মিষ্টি কথা নেই।" (There are no sweet words in the mouth of a person who works.)

3. "যে পথে যাও, সে পথে তোমার হৃদয় যায়।" (Wherever you go, your heart goes with you.)

4. "প্রেম করতে হলে মনের ভাষা বুঝতে হবে।" (To love, one must understand the language of the heart.)

5. "সময় পাওয়া মানে সোনার মুদি পাওয়া।" (Finding time is like finding a pot of gold.)

Above is Nice bengali sayings.

Cajun sayings in french

1. Laissez les bons temps rouler - Let the good times roll2. Ça c'est bon, ça! - That's good stuff!3. Fais do-do - Go to sleep4. Ça va faire - It will do5. Cherchez la femme - Look for the woman6. Ça c'est la vie - That's life7. Ça c'est bon comme un gumbo - That's as good as gumbo8.

Austistic sayings

1. I am different, not less.2. My mind works in a unique way.3. I may struggle with some things, but I excel in others.4. Autism is a part of me, but it doesn't define me.5. I see the world through a different lens.6. My quirks make me who I am.7. I may not always express myself in the

American girl sayings

1. You go, girl!2. Girl power!3. Slay, queen!4. You're a boss babe!5. Living my best life.6. On Wednesdays, we wear pink. (from the movie Mean Girls)7. I woke up like this.8. Ain't nobody got time for that.9. Sorry, not sorry.10. Bless up.

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Sayings of catholic saints

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