Nice sayings for a christmas card

1. "May your heart be filled with the magic and wonder of the holiday season."

2. "Wishing you joy, peace, and love this Christmas."

3. "May your home be filled with laughter, your heart with love, and your holidays with happiness."

4. "Sending warm wishes for a merry and bright Christmas."

5. "May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas give you hope, and the warmth of Christmas grant you love."

6. "May your Christmas be wrapped in happiness and tied with love."

7. "Wishing you a season of blessings, a heart full of joy, and a home filled with love."

8. "May the magic of Christmas fill every corner of your heart and home."

9. "Sending you warm wishes for a holiday season filled with love and laughter."

10. "May the spirit of Christmas bring you and your loved ones closer together."

Above is Nice sayings for a christmas card.

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1. Dress for success.2. Dress to impress.3. Dress like you're already famous.4. Dress how you want to be addressed.5. Dress like you're going to meet your worst enemy.6. Dress like you're already famous.7. Dress to express, not to impress.8. Dress like you're on a mission.9. Dress f

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1. These boots are made for walking... and a whole lot more.2. Step into my world, where every step is a statement.3. Life is too short for boring shoes. Embrace the kinky boots.4. Walk tall, walk proud, walk in kinky boots.5. Put on your kinky boots and stomp out any doubt.6. In a world

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1. We are all made of stardust, connected to the universe in ways we may never fully understand.2. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, we are but fleeting specks of stardust, shining brightly for a brief moment in time.3. Like stardust, we are all unique and beautiful in our own way, each with a

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1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer2. Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. - Arnold H. Glasow3. Success is walking from failure to fail

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1. A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it starts to rain. - Robert Frost2. The best way to rob a bank is to own one. - William Black3. A bank is a place where money is kept with a certain degree of safety, and is lent out at a higher rate o

Sayings for worthless

1. As useful as a screen door on a submarine.2. Not worth a hill of beans.3. About as valuable as a chocolate teapot.4. As pointless as a screen door on a spaceship.5. Not worth the paper it's printed on.6. As useful as a screen door on a barn.7. About as valuable as a broken pencil.8.

Princess love quotes sayings

1. A princess doesn't kiss frogs, she waits for her prince charming.2. Every princess deserves a fairytale ending.3. In a world full of ordinary, be a princess.4. A true princess knows her worth and doesn't settle for anything less.5. Once upon a time, there was a princess who found true lo