Nick vujicic sayings

Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker and author known for his inspiring messages about overcoming challenges and finding purpose in life. Here are some of his famous sayings:

1. "If you can't get a miracle, become one."

2. "Life without limbs? Or life without limits?"

3. "It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything."

4. "I was never crippled until I lost hope."

5. "The challenges in our lives are there to strengthen our convictions. They are not there to run us over."

6. "If I fail, I try again, and again, and again."

7. "If you can't stand up, stand out!"

8. "Your attitude determines your altitude."

9. "I have the choice to be angry at God for what I don't have, or be thankful for what I do have."

10. "The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph."

Above is Nick vujicic sayings.

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