Night sayings funny

1. "I'm not a night owl, I'm a night howl!"

2. "I'm so nocturnal, I should be sponsored by a bat company."

3. "I'm not a night person, I'm a night unicorn - rare and magical."

4. "I'm not burning the midnight oil, I'm setting the midnight snacks on fire."

5. "I'm not a night creature, I'm a night feature."

6. "I'm not a night wanderer, I'm a night ponderer."

7. "I'm not a night owl, I'm a night prowl - stalking the fridge for snacks."

8. "I'm not a night owl, I'm a night howler - singing the songs of the sleepless."

9. "I'm not a night owl, I'm a night growl - hungry for adventure in the dark."

10. "I'm not a night owl, I'm a night fowl - spreading my wings when the sun goes down."

Above is Night sayings funny.

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