No drama llama sayings

1. "Keep calm and llama on."

2. "No drama, just llamas."

3. "Llama love, no drama."

4. "Llama-tude over drama."

5. "Drama-free zone, llama approved."

6. "Llama vibes only, drama free."

7. "Llama drama, not my problem."

8. "Llama mama, no drama."

9. "Llama life, drama-free zone."

10. "Save the drama for your llama."

Above is No drama llama sayings.

Sayings for people with depression

1. It's okay to not be okay.2. You are not alone in this.3. One day at a time.4. You are stronger than you think.5. This too shall pass.6. You are worthy of love and support.7. It's okay to ask for help.8. You are not defined by your struggles.9. Be kind to yourself.10. You are a

Karma sayings in english

1. What goes around comes around.2. Do good and good will come to you.3. You reap what you sow.4. Treat others as you want to be treated.5. The energy you put out into the world will come back to you.6. Your actions have consequences.7. The universe has a way of balancing things out.8.

Family business quotes and sayings

1. Family businesses are the backbone of our economy and the heart of our communities. - Unknown2. In a family business, you build something to last for generations, not just for the next quarter. - Unknown3. Family businesses are not just about making money, they are about creating a legacy.

Crosses with sayings

Here are some popular cross sayings and phrases:1. Take up your cross and follow me. - Jesus Christ2. God's love is the cross we bear. 3. The cross is the symbol of sacrifice and redemption.4. Carry your cross with grace and faith.5. In the cross, we find hope and salvation.6. The cross r

Cotton candy thank you sayings

1. Thank you for making my day sweeter with this cotton candy!2. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in giving me this delicious treat.3. Thank you for the sweet surprise of cotton candy!4. You're so sweet, just like this cotton candy. Thank you!5. I'm grateful for your kindness in giving me t

Ocean love sayings

1. Love is like the ocean, deep and boundless.2. In the waves of the ocean, I find peace in your love.3. Just as the ocean never stops kissing the shoreline, my love for you will never cease.4. You are my anchor in the stormy seas of life, my love.5. Like the tides of the ocean, my love for

Prince rupert sayings

Prince Rupert of the Rhine, a 17th-century military commander and royalist during the English Civil War, was known for his wit and colorful personality. Some of his famous sayings include:1. A soldier that fights, is a soldier that eats.2. Give me a good horse and a fair fight, and I'll win every

Angel wings quotes and sayings

1. Angels are never too distant to hear you. - Unknown2. Angels are often disguised as daughters. - Unknown3. Angels are watching over you when times are tough. - Unknown4. With brave wings, she flies. - Unknown5. Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder, the keepers of magic and dreams.

Geometry quotes and sayings

1. Geometry is a skill of the eyes and the hands as well as of the mind. - Euclid2. Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent. - Plato3. In geometry, the circle is considered the most perfect shape because it has no beginning or end. - Leonardo da Vinci4. Geometry is the foundation of a

Talking behind my back quotes sayings

1. Don't waste your time talking behind my back, when you can say it to my face.2. If you have something to say about me, say it to me, not to others behind my back.3. Gossiping about me behind my back only shows your true character, not mine.4. I'd rather have someone stab me in the front th