Non religious sayings about easter

1. "Easter is a time to celebrate new beginnings and fresh starts."

2. "Easter is a reminder that change and growth are possible."

3. "Easter is a time to cherish family and friends."

4. "Easter is a time to embrace the beauty of nature and renewal."

5. "Easter is a time to reflect on the beauty of life and the joy of spring."

6. "Easter is a time to appreciate the simple pleasures of life."

7. "Easter is a time to focus on positivity and hope for the future."

8. "Easter is a time to enjoy the colorful decorations and festive atmosphere."

9. "Easter is a time to indulge in delicious treats and sweets."

10. "Easter is a time to celebrate the arrival of warmer weather and longer days."

Above is Non religious sayings about easter.

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Chuseok sayings

1. 추석 잘 보내세요. (Have a great Chuseok.)2. 가족과 함께 행복한 추석 보내세요. (Have a happy Chuseok with your family.)3. 추석 연휴 잘 쉬세요. (Rest well during the Chuseok holiday.)4. 추석에는 정성가득한 음식을 맛있게 먹으며 행복한 시간 보내세요. (Enjoy delicious food and have a happy time during Chuseok.)5. 추석 연휴에는 건강을 가장 중요시하며 즐겁게 보내세요. (P

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Backhanded southern sayings

1. Well, bless your heart, you're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.2. You're slicker than snot on a doorknob, ain't ya?3. You're as sharp as a bowling ball, bless your heart.4. You're as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party.5. You're about as subtle as a bull in a china shop.6