Norn iron sayings &

Here are some common sayings and phrases from Northern Ireland, also known as "Norn Iron":

1. "Keep 'er lit" - Keep going, don't give up.

2. "Dead on" - Good, excellent.

3. "Wee dander" - A short walk or stroll.

4. "Quare geg" - A good laugh or joke.

5. "Away on, ye boy ye" - Go away, you're joking.

6. "Catch yourself on" - Get a grip, behave yourself.

7. "Yer man" - Referring to someone in a casual way.

8. "A face like a slapped arse" - Looking unhappy or miserable.

9. "Bout ye?" - How are you?

10. "Danderin' about like a blue-arsed fly" - Busy or active.

These sayings are part of the unique dialect and culture of Northern Ireland and are often used in everyday conversations.

Above is Norn iron sayings &.

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