Northern territory sayings

1. "As crook as a dog's hind leg" - used to describe someone who is feeling unwell or sick.

2. "Flat out like a lizard drinking" - used to describe someone who is very busy or working hard.

3. "Mad as a cut snake" - used to describe someone who is very angry or upset.

4. "Dry as a dead dingo's donger" - used to describe a very dry or arid place.

5. "Up the duff" - used to describe someone who is pregnant.

6. "She'll be right, mate" - used to reassure someone that everything will be okay.

7. "Barramundi dreaming" - used to describe someone who is daydreaming or not paying attention.

8. "Ripper" - used to describe something that is excellent or fantastic.

9. "Fair dinkum" - used to confirm that something is true or genuine.

10. "Strewth" - an expression of surprise or disbelief.

Above is Northern territory sayings.

Canvas bags with food sayings

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Deontological sayings

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Sayings list

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Elite sayings

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Satellite sayings

1. The world is a satellite of the sun, and we are satellites of the world.2. Like a satellite in orbit, may your dreams revolve around you and never stray too far.3. Just as a satellite beams down information from space, may you always receive wisdom and guidance from above.4. In a world ful