Northerners sayings

Here are some sayings commonly heard in the Northern regions:

1. "It's brass monkeys out there" - Referring to extremely cold weather.

2. "There's nowt so queer as folk" - People can be strange or unpredictable.

3. "By 'eck!" - An expression of surprise or disbelief.

4. "Put wood in t'ole" - Close the door.

5. "Where there's muck, there's brass" - Hard work can lead to wealth.

6. "It's grim up North" - Referring to the tough or harsh conditions in the North.

7. "Eeh by gum" - An expression of surprise or astonishment.

8. "It'll be reet" - Everything will be alright.

9. "Soft lad" or "Soft lass" - Term of endearment for a young person.

10. "Aye, it's a grand day for it" - It's a good day for whatever activity is being discussed.

Above is Northerners sayings.

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