Northside dublin sayings

Here are some common sayings or phrases you might hear in Northside Dublin:

1. "How's the craic?" - This is a common greeting meaning "How are you?" or "What's going on?"

2. "Sure look it" - This phrase is often used to convey a sense of resignation or acceptance.

3. "Up the Dubs" - A popular phrase used to show support for the Dublin GAA teams, particularly the Dublin football team.

4. "Grand job" - A way of saying something is good or satisfactory.

5. "Sound as a pound" - A way of saying someone is reliable or trustworthy.

6. "Feckin' eejit" - A playful insult meaning someone is being foolish or silly.

7. "Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph" - An expression of surprise or disbelief.

8. "Story horse?" - A casual way of asking someone what's new or what's going on.

9. "Ah sure, it'll be grand" - A phrase used to express optimism or reassurance.

10. "Away with the fairies" - A way of saying someone is not paying attention or is lost in their own thoughts.

Above is Northside dublin sayings.

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1. Bow down to no one but your own potential.2. A bow is a symbol of respect and humility.3. Tie a bow on your troubles and let them go.4. Life is like a bow, sometimes you need to bend to move forward.5. A well-tied bow is a sign of attention to detail.6. In the end, we all must bow to t

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1. Rocky Mountain High - a reference to the John Denver song and the feeling of being in the mountains2. Mile High City - Denver's nickname due to its elevation of one mile above sea level3. Powder Day - referring to a day with fresh snow for skiing or snowboarding in the nearby mountains4. B

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1. Водка - лучшее средство от всех бед. (Vodka is the best remedy for all troubles.)2. Без водки и жизнь плоха, и душа уныла. (Without vodka, life is bad and the soul is sad.)3. Водка не решает проблем, но помогает забыть о них. (Vodka doesn't solve problems, but helps to forget about them.)4.

Sayings about apples and love

1. Love is like an apple, sweet and satisfying to the core.2. A love as pure as the love for apples, never goes out of season.3. Just as an apple a day keeps the doctor away, love keeps the heart at bay.4. Love is like picking apples, you have to reach for it and sometimes take a few bruises

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1. Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.2. Expectations are premeditated resentments.3. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.4. Expectations are the root of all heartache.5. Expectations are just premeditated resentments.6. Expectations are th