Not giving up on love quotes and sayings

1. "Love is not about giving up, it's about holding on even when things get tough."

2. "Love is worth fighting for, worth believing in, worth never giving up on."

3. "True love doesn't give up easily, it fights for what it believes in."

4. "Love is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to never give up."

5. "When you truly love someone, giving up is never an option."

6. "Love is a commitment to never give up, no matter the challenges that come your way."

7. "In the end, love always wins, so never give up on it."

8. "Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly and never giving up on them."

9. "The most beautiful love stories are the ones where no one gives up on each other."

10. "Love is a choice, a commitment, and a promise to never give up, no matter what."

Above is Not giving up on love quotes and sayings.

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