Nothing will make you haopy or as sad mother sayings

Here are some mother sayings that can evoke both happiness and sadness:

1. "A mother's love knows no bounds."

2. "A mother's heart is always with her children."

3. "A mother's hug lasts long after she lets go."

4. "A mother's tears are the silent language of grief."

5. "A mother's prayers are the strongest protection."

6. "A mother's smile can light up a room."

7. "A mother's strength is unmatched."

8. "A mother's absence is felt in every heartbeat."

9. "A mother's voice is a comforting melody."

10. "A mother's legacy lives on in her children."

These sayings can evoke a mix of emotions, reflecting the complex and deep bond between a mother and her children.

Above is Nothing will make you haopy or as sad mother sayings.

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Sure! Here are some Bisaya sayings and jokes for you:1. Bisan unsaon nimo pagpilit, dili jud ka makapilit sa saging nga hilaw. (No matter how hard you try, you can't force a banana to ripen.)2. Ang pag-ibig dili pareha sa instant noodles, dili siya madali ug dali raan maluto. (Love is not like i