Oblivion guard sayings

1. "Stop right there, criminal scum!"

2. "You violated the law!"

3. "You'll pay with your blood!"

4. "By the Nine Divines, stay back!"

5. "You're not supposed to be in here!"

6. "I'll take you down, fiend!"

7. "You're under arrest!"

8. "You're a wanted criminal!"

9. "You'll never escape the long arm of the law!"

10. "Surrender now, or face the consequences!"

Above is Oblivion guard sayings.

Cute pumpkin sayings short

1. Pumpkin kisses and harvest wishes.2. You're the pick of the patch.3. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.4. Cutest pumpkin in the patch.5. Pumpkin kisses and autumn wishes.6. You're the pumpkin to my spice.7. Sweet as pumpkin pie.8. Pumpkin kisses and cozy wishes.9. You're the pump

Girl leave house after wedding sayings

1. A bride leaves her home to start a new chapter in her life.2. She walks out of her childhood home to create a new family of her own.3. Leaving her parents' house, she embarks on a journey with her partner.4. Stepping out as a wife, she carries the love and blessings of her family.5. With

Indigenous you must cross river before you tell crocodile sayings

This saying is a reminder to be cautious and respectful when dealing with dangerous situations or individuals. It suggests that one should take necessary precautions before engaging with potential threats. In this case, it emphasizes the importance of being prepared and aware before interacting with

Newfoundland sayings hoodie

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School canteen quotes and sayings

1. Good food is all the sweeter when shared with good friends.2. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.3. Food tastes better when you eat it with your family.4. In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.5. Eating is a necessity but cooking is an art.6. Food is symbolic of love

The irish mammy sayings

Sure, here are some classic Irish mammy sayings:1. Ah sure, you'll be grand.2. Close the door, were you born in a barn?3. Eat your dinner, there are children starving in Africa.4. I didn't raise you to be acting the maggot.5. Don't make me come up there!6. If you don't have anything nice

Candy heart sayings for dogs

1. Pawsitively sweet2. Woof you be mine?3. Fur-ever yours4. I ruff you5. You're my pup-kin6. Lick me, I'm yours7. Puppy love8. Bark my words, I love you9. You're fetching10. Treats for my sweet

Sayings about lucky charms

1. A lucky charm is like a magnet for good fortune.2. Carry your lucky charm with you and watch the blessings flow.3. Luck is on your side when you have your lucky charm by your side.4. A lucky charm is a symbol of hope and positivity.5. With a lucky charm in hand, anything is possible.6.

Clever bunny sayings

1. Hoppy Easter!2. Somebunny loves you.3. Hare's to a great day!4. Don't worry, be hoppy.5. Bunny kisses and Easter wishes.6. Ears to you!7. Hare today, gone tomorrow.8. You're somebunny special.9. Keep calm and hop on.10. Bunny hop 'til you drop!

Prophet pbuh sayings on expenses

Here are some sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on expenses:1. The best of you is the one who is best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family. (Tirmidhi)2. The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity. (Tirmidhi)3. The upper hand is better th