Observant sayings

1. "The more you observe, the more you see."

2. "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

3. "Observation is the key to understanding."

4. "The art of observation is the key to discovery."

5. "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity for observation."

6. "To see is to understand, to observe is to learn."

7. "The power of observation is often underestimated."

8. "Observation is the silent teacher of wisdom."

9. "In the quiet observation of nature, one can find peace."

10. "The keen observer sees what others overlook."

Above is Observant sayings.

Books about where sayings come from

1. Why Do We Say It? The Stories Behind the Words, Expressions and Cliches We Use by Alphie McCourt2. Word Origins... and How We Know Them: Etymology for Everyone by Anatoly Liberman3. The Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins by Julia Cresswell4. The Etymologicon: A Circular Stroll Through the H

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Bad influences shape behavior sayings

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