Old alchemy sayings

1. "As above, so below."

2. "Solve et coagula" (Dissolve and coagulate)

3. "The prima materia is the key to all transformations."

4. "Through the union of opposites, true alchemy is achieved."

5. "The alchemist must be patient, for the work takes time."

6. "By the power of the elements, all things can be transmuted."

7. "Know the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone, and you will know the secrets of the universe."

8. "Alchemy is the art of transformation, both of substances and of the self."

9. "In the crucible of the alchemist, the impure is purified and the pure is perfected."

10. "The alchemist's path is one of balance and harmony, seeking the perfection of all things."

Above is Old alchemy sayings.

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