Old blackpool sayings phrases

1. "As daft as a brush" - used to describe someone who is acting foolishly or silly.

2. "Soft lad" - a term of endearment for a young boy or man.

3. "Donkey's years" - a long time, often used to describe how long someone has been doing something.

4. "Gone to seed" - used to describe someone who has let themselves go or deteriorated in appearance.

5. "Mithered" - annoyed or bothered by something or someone.

6. "Chuffed to bits" - extremely pleased or proud.

7. "Brew up" - to make a cup of tea or coffee.

8. "Bob's your uncle" - a phrase meaning that something is simple or easy to achieve.

9. "Ginnel" - a narrow passageway or alley.

10. "Barmy" - crazy or eccentric.

Above is Old blackpool sayings phrases.

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