Old fashion sayings

1. "A penny saved is a penny earned."

2. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

3. "Actions speak louder than words."

4. "The early bird catches the worm."

5. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

6. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

7. "Don't cry over spilled milk."

8. "A stitch in time saves nine."

9. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

10. "Too many cooks spoil the broth."

Above is Old fashion sayings.

Carnival cruise sayings

1. Fun ships, friendly smiles.2. Escape completely.3. Choose fun.4. The fun starts here.5. Cruise, relax, repeat.6. Where the fun never ends.7. Sail into adventure.8. Making memories at sea.9. Life is a carnival, enjoy the ride.10. Cruising with a smile.

Game day candy sayings

1. Sweet victory awaits!2. Score big with these treats!3. Satisfy your sweet tooth on game day!4. Candy for champions!5. Sweeten the win with some candy!6. Game day fuel in the form of candy!7. Candy: the ultimate game day snack!8. Treat yourself to some game day candy!9. Candy: the

Breakup sayings and quotes

1. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. - Marilyn Monroe2. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. - Dr. Seuss3. Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be. - Unknown4. The pain of parting is not

Indian legebds sayings

Here are a few Indian legends and sayings:1. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. - This saying emphasizes the importance of taking action and not dwelling on missed opportunities.2. The legend of Rama and Sita - This ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana, tells

Romanian sayings translated

1. Cine se scoală de dimineață, departe ajunge. - He who wakes up early, goes far.2. Apa trece, pietrele rămân. - The water passes, the stones remain.3. Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poți face azi. - Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.4. Cine se aseamănă, se adună. - Birds of a feat

Mike tyson best sayings

Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxing champion, is known for his colorful personality and memorable sayings. Some of his best-known quotes include:1. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.2. I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there

Be country or eat caviar with the joneses sayings

Be country, not caviar with the Joneses.

Love heart sayings

1. Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. - Voltaire2. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle3. Love is the beauty of the soul. - Saint Augustine4. Love is a friendship set to music. - Joseph Campbell5. Love is the greatest refresh

Best sayings to put on a golf ball

1. Drive for show, putt for dough.2. Keep calm and golf on.3. Swing easy, hit hard.4. In golf, as in life, it's the follow through that makes the difference.5. Tee it high, let it fly.6. Grip it and rip it.7. The harder you practice, the luckier you get.8. It's not how you drive, it's

English popular sayings about pain

1. No pain, no gain.2. Pain is temporary, pride is forever.3. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.4. The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.5. Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser.6. The greater your storm, the bright