Old moonshine sayings

1. "Moonshine will make you blind, but it will make you see better too."

2. "Moonshine is like a good woman - strong, smooth, and always leaves you wanting more."

3. "Moonshine is the original social network - it brings people together and keeps the conversation flowing."

4. "Moonshine is like a fine wine - it gets better with age, but you can't wait too long to enjoy it."

5. "Moonshine is the best remedy for what ails you - whether it's a broken heart or a long day's work."

6. "Moonshine is like a secret - best shared with trusted friends under the light of the moon."

7. "Moonshine is the spirit of the mountains, distilled with love and a touch of rebellion."

8. "Moonshine is the original craft spirit - made with care and tradition, not for the faint of heart."

9. "Moonshine is the elixir of life - a taste of freedom in a jar."

10. "Moonshine is the drink of outlaws and rebels, but it's also the drink of friends and family."

Above is Old moonshine sayings.

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