Old nigerian sayings

1. "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth."

2. "A bird does not change its feathers because the weather is bad."

3. "No matter how long the night, the day is sure to come."

4. "The lizard that jumped from the high iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did."

5. "The goat says, 'Wherever it goes will be its home.'"

6. "The one who plants the coconut tree does not get to eat the fruit."

7. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."

8. "A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning."

9. "A person who sells eggs should not start a fight in the market."

10. "The one who carries a calabash of water does not know the distance covered by the one who carries a calabash of oil."

Above is Old nigerian sayings.

Influential women sayings

1. I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. - Mother Teresa2. The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. - Coco Chanel3. I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.

Famous sayings about self delusion

1. The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. - Leonardo da Vinci2. Self-deception is a deep abyss into which we can fall without even realizing it. - Unknown3. The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool. - Richard Feynman4

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Books with sayings in them

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