Old sayings with the word cooper in them

1. "As busy as a cooper"

2. "Cooper's work is never done"

3. "In the cooper's hands"

4. "Like a cooper at a wedding"

5. "As sure as a cooper's adze"

Above is Old sayings with the word cooper in them.

Old.southern sayings

1. Bless your heart - Often used as a polite way to express sympathy or pity.2. Well, butter my biscuit - Used to express surprise or disbelief.3. I reckon - Used instead of I think or I suppose.4. Like a cat on a hot tin roof - Describes someone who is nervous or agitated.5. Happy as a

Famous sayings about love and relationships

1. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn2. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle3. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you prove that it's true. - Unknown4. The greatest happiness of life is the conviction

Grandpa sayings from granddaughter

1. Grandpa always said, 'A penny saved is a penny earned.'2. My grandpa used to tell me, 'If you want something done right, do it yourself.'3. Grandpa always said, 'Hard work pays off in the end.'4. My grandpa's favorite saying was, 'You're never too old to learn something new.'5. Grandpa u

Old school sayings about memories

1. Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future. - Corrie Ten Boom2. Memories are the treasures that we keep locked deep within the storehouse of our souls, to keep our hearts warm when we are lonely. - Becky Aligada3. Memories are timeless treasures of the heart. - Unknown4. Memor

Funny memes sayings for your as much use as a

1. I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.2. I put the 'pro' in procrastination.3. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.4. I'm not a morning person, I'm a not-a-morning person.5. I'm not short, I'm just concentrated awesome.6. I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing gravity.

Best sibling sayings

1. Siblings are the best kind of friends.2. Siblings: the perfect blend of love, laughter, and a little bit of chaos.3. Siblings by chance, friends by choice.4. Siblings: the ones who know you best and love you anyway.5. Siblings are like built-in best friends.6. Siblings: partners in cri

Candy bars and cute sayings

1. You're sweeter than a candy bar!2. Life is sweet, just like a candy bar.3. You're the chocolate to my candy bar.4. You're as irresistible as a candy bar.5. You're a treat, just like a candy bar.6. Life is better with a candy bar... and you!7. You're the caramel to my candy bar.8. Y

Common sayings and idioms

1. A penny for your thoughts2. Actions speak louder than words3. Bite the bullet4. Break the ice5. Don't cry over spilled milk6. Every cloud has a silver lining7. Hit the nail on the head8. Kill two birds with one stone9. Let the cat out of the bag10. Piece of cake11. Raining ca

Candy gram sayings for nurses

1. Nurses are the heart of healthcare - thank you for all you do!2. You're the dose of kindness we all need - thank you, nurses!3. Nurses: the real superheroes in scrubs!4. Thanks for being the caring hands and compassionate hearts of healthcare.5. Nurses make the world a better place, one

Clever sayings for selfies

1. Selfie game strong, confidence on fleek.2. Just me, myself, and my camera.3. Slaying the selfie game, one pose at a time.4. Flawless and fabulous, just like my selfie.5. Selfie mode: activated.6. But first, let me take a selfie.7. Capturing moments, creating memories.8. Selfie quee