Old white people sayings

1. "Back in my day..."

2. "When I was your age..."

3. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar."

4. "A penny saved is a penny earned."

5. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

6. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

7. "The early bird catches the worm."

8. "Actions speak louder than words."

9. "Don't cry over spilled milk."

10. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Above is Old white people sayings.

Japanese rhyme sayings

Here are some Japanese rhyme sayings:1. 一期一会 (ichigo ichie) - one time, one meeting2. 花鳥風月 (kachou fuugetsu) - flower, bird, wind, moon3. 春眠暁を覚えず (shunmin akatsuki wo oboezu) - in spring, one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn4. 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず (koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu) - if you do not e

Alcman quotes and sayings

1. Let us not be too particular; it is better to have old secondhand diamonds than none at all. - Alcman2. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Alcman3. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning

Sayings about curly hair people

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Punjabi best ever sayings

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December sayings and poems

1. December's wintery breath is already clouding the pond, frosting the pane, obscuring summer's memory... - John Geddes2. December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come. - Fennel Hudson3. December's wintery breath is gentle and inviting, beckoning

Italian family sayings tattoos

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Billie jean king sayings

1. Champions keep playing until they get it right.2. Pressure is a privilege.3. I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.4. I want to be remembered as a great player, but more than that, as a great person.5. I have a lot of self-doubt.6. The mai

Nurse sayings for shirts

1. Nursing: where caring meets science2. Keep calm and nurse on3. Saving lives one shift at a time4. Nurse life: love, care, heal5. Not all heroes wear capes, some wear scrubs6. Nurses make it all better7. Trust me, I'm a nurse8. Nursing is a work of heart9. Nurse by day, superhero