Old wise tale sayings about owls

1. "An owl in the house, a guest in the house."

2. "When the owl hoots, the night is still."

3. "The owl sees in the dark what others cannot see in the light."

4. "The owl is the wisest of all birds because the more it sees, the less it talks."

5. "When the owl sings, the night is silent."

6. "The owl is a messenger of fate and a harbinger of change."

7. "If the owl calls your name, death is near."

8. "To hear the owl's call is to receive a message from the spirit world."

9. "The owl's hoot is a warning of danger lurking nearby."

10. "The owl's presence brings a sense of mystery and magic to the night."

Above is Old wise tale sayings about owls.

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