Olympic sayings 2016

1. "Faster, higher, stronger" - The Olympic motto

2. "Citius, Altius, Fortius" - The Latin version of the Olympic motto

3. "Inspire a generation" - The London 2012 Olympic slogan

4. "One world, one dream" - The Beijing 2008 Olympic slogan

5. "Passion. Connected." - The Rio 2016 Olympic slogan

6. "The heart of a champion never stops beating"

7. "Believe you can and you're halfway there"

8. "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible"

9. "Victory is in having done your best"

10. "Champions keep playing until they get it right"

Above is Olympic sayings 2016.

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List of kannada sayings on husband and wife

1. ಗಂಡು ಹೆಂಡತಿಯ ನಾಲಿಗೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆಯುವ ಸಂಬಂಧ ಭಗವಂತನ ಕೈಯಲ್ಲಿದೆ.Translation: The relationship between husband and wife is in the hands of God.2. ಹೆಂಡತಿ ಗಂಡನ ಮನೆಯ ದೇವರು, ಗಂಡ ಹೆಂಡತಿಯ ದೇವತೆ.Translation: The wife is the goddess of the husband's house, and the husband is the deity of the wife.3. ಗಂಡು ಹೆಂಡತಿಯ ನ