Open relationship quotes and sayings

1. "Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation."

2. "In an open relationship, trust and communication are key."

3. "Love is not limited, it's infinite."

4. "The heart wants what it wants, and sometimes that means loving more than one person."

5. "Being in an open relationship means being secure enough to know that your partner's love for you is not diminished by their love for others."

6. "Love is not a competition, it's a collaboration."

7. "In an open relationship, jealousy is replaced by compersion - feeling joy in your partner's joy with others."

8. "Love is like a flame, it can burn brightly for more than one person."

9. "An open relationship is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and deep connection."

10. "Love knows no boundaries, it flows freely between hearts."

Above is Open relationship quotes and sayings.

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