Orkney sayings

1. "Aye, keep the heid" - Stay calm and composed.

2. "Lang may yer lum reek" - May you live long and prosper.

3. "Bide a wee" - Wait a moment.

4. "Dinna fash yersel" - Don't worry or stress yourself.

5. "Gie it laldy" - Give it your all.

6. "Haud yer wheesht" - Be quiet or keep quiet.

7. "Awa' an bile yer heid" - Go away and calm down.

8. "Bletherin' on" - Talking nonsense or gossiping.

9. "Yer bum's oot the windae" - You're talking rubbish.

10. "Dreich" - Used to describe dull, gloomy weather.

Above is Orkney sayings.

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Army recruitment sayings

1. Join the army and be part of something bigger than yourself.2. Serve your country with pride and honor in the army.3. Be the best version of yourself by joining the army.4. Challenge yourself and see what you're truly capable of in the army.5. Protect and defend your nation by enlisting