Osho sayings on jealousy

1. "Jealousy is nothing but a reflection of your own insecurities."

2. "Jealousy is a poison that destroys the vessel in which it is stored."

3. "Jealousy is a fear-based emotion that stems from a lack of self-love."

4. "Jealousy is a sign of weakness, a lack of trust in oneself and in the universe."

5. "Jealousy is a wasted emotion, it serves no purpose other than to create suffering."

6. "Jealousy is a barrier to true love and connection, it blocks the flow of energy between souls."

7. "Jealousy is a prison that locks you in a cycle of negativity and self-destruction."

8. "Jealousy is a reflection of your own limitations, it is a reminder to work on yourself and your own insecurities."

9. "Jealousy is a sign that you are not living in the present moment, you are stuck in the past or worried about the future."

10. "Jealousy is a wake-up call to examine your own beliefs and values, to see where you are lacking in self-awareness and self-acceptance."

Above is Osho sayings on jealousy.

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