Other sayings than bump into you

1. Cross paths with you

2. Run into you

3. Meet unexpectedly

4. Stumble upon you

5. Encounter you

6. Come across you

7. Collide with you

8. Brush against you

9. Chance upon you

10. Find yourself in the same place as you

Above is Other sayings than bump into you.

Gaelic love sayings

Here are a few Gaelic love sayings:1. Mo chroí istigh ionat - My heart is within you2. Grá go deo - Love forever3. Is tú mo ghrá geal - You are my bright love4. Tá mo chroí ag caint le do chroí - My heart is speaking to your heart5. Is tú mo rogha - You are my choiceThese sayings reflect t

75 gir sayings

1. A giraffe's heart is as big as its body.2. Giraffes only sleep for about 30 minutes a day.3. A giraffe's tongue can be up to 20 inches long.4. Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as humans.5. Giraffes can run up to 35 miles per hour.6. Giraffes have a unique patte

Sons sayings and quotes

1. A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life. - Irish Proverb2. A son may outgrow your lap, but he will never outgrow your heart. - Unknown3. A son is a love that lasts a lifetime. - Unknown4. A son is a little boy who grows up to be your best friend.

Graham norton sayings

Graham Norton is known for his quick wit and humorous banter on his talk show. Here are a few of his popular sayings:1. The only thing I don't like about being gay is the word 'gay.' It's a terrible word. It's like 'happy' but with a Y. It's like 'happy' but with a tragic backstory.2. I'm not a d

Great grandma quotes and sayings

1. Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. - Satchel Paige2. A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend. - Unknown3. Grandmothers hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. - Unknown4. Gra

Tattoo sayings about life and death

1. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.2. Life is short, death is certain, and the time in between is yours to live.3. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.4. Embrace life, embrace death, for both are part of the journey.5. Live a

Funny bus sayings

1. I brake for no apparent reason.2. I'm not speeding, I'm just testing the suspension.3. Sorry for the bumpy ride, I'm just practicing my off-roading skills.4. Caution: Bus driver may break out in song at any moment.5. I'm not lost, I'm just taking the scenic route.6. This bus runs on co

Cups of sugar sayings

1. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.2. Life is short, eat the cake with extra sugar.3. Sugar and spice and everything nice.4. Too much sugar can be a bad thing.5. Sweet as sugar.6. Sugar-coating the truth.7. Like a kid in a candy store.8. Sweeter than sugar.9. Sugar ru

Negotiation sayings

1. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.2. Negotiation is the art of letting others have your way.3. A good negotiation is one where both parties leave the table feeling like they've won.4. Negotiation is not about winning or losing, it's about reaching a mutually benefi

Leo getz sayings

Here are some famous sayings from Leo Getz, a character from the Lethal Weapon movie series:1. Okay, okay, okay!2. They f*** you at the drive-thru!3. They f*** you with cell phones!4. They f*** you with the cell phone and the pager and the fax and the email!5. They f*** you with the warra