Our love quotes sayings
1. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle
2. "Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you can prove that it's true." - Unknown
3. "The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." - Nicholas Sparks
4. "Love is a game that two can play and both win." - Eva Gabor
5. "Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
6. "In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." - Maya Angelou
7. "Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." - Nicholas Sparks
8. "Love is a friendship set to music." - Joseph Campbell
9. "Love is not finding someone to live with, it's finding someone you can't live without." - Rafael Ortiz
10. "Love is the bridge between you and everything." - Rumi
Above is Our love quotes sayings.
Mary MacKillop, also known as Saint Mary of the Cross, was an Australian nun and the founder of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Some of her famous sayings include:1. Never see a need without doing something about it.2. Do all you can with the means at your disposal and calmly leave
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1. Anchors aweigh, let's sail away to a clean bathroom today!2. Seas the day and scrub away the salt spray.3. Smooth sailing starts with a clean bathroom.4. Don't be a crab, keep the bathroom fab!5. Sail into a sparkling clean bathroom.6. Life's a beach, but your bathroom doesn't have to
1. Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom. - Oprah Winfrey[Image: Image of a key with a graduation cap attached to it]2. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. - B.B. King[Image: Image of a tree with books as leaves]3. Education
Here are some ideas for Christian baby t-shirts with funny sayings:1. Jesus Loves Me, But I'm Still Working on Sharing My Toys2. I'm a Little Blessing in Diaper Form3. Too Blessed to Be Stressed (Even During Diaper Changes)4. God's Little Miracle (And Mom and Dad's Little Sleep Thief)5. Fut
1. Don't worry, everything will work out in the end.2. Worrying won't change the outcome, so why stress about it?3. Don't worry about things you can't control.4. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.5. Worrying is a waste of time and energy.6.
1. Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. - Oscar Wilde2. Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth. - Pablo Picasso3. Art is the most beautiful of all lies. - Claude Debussy4. Art is not a thing; it is a way. - Elbert Hubbard5. Art is the language
1. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.2. I am grateful for your support and encouragement.3. I appreciate all that you do for me.4. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you.5. I am thankful for your friendship and love.6. Your thoughtfulness means so much to me.7. I am