Overreacting sayings

1. "Making a mountain out of a molehill."

2. "Blowing things out of proportion."

3. "Crying over spilled milk."

4. "Seeing a ghost in every shadow."

5. "Jumping to conclusions."

6. "Making a big deal out of nothing."

7. "Turning a molehill into a mountain."

8. "Getting bent out of shape."

9. "Flying off the handle."

10. "Losing your cool over nothing."

Above is Overreacting sayings.

Sayings double rainbow quotes

1. When you see a double rainbow, it's like nature's way of saying, 'Wow, look at this beauty!' 2. A double rainbow is a reminder that even in the midst of a storm, there is beauty and hope waiting to be discovered. 3. Double rainbows are like a magical gift from the universe, reminding us to a

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Little sayings wooden hearts bulk buy

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Baby shirt sayings diaper loading

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